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Instagram exploring utilizing “non-fungible tokens” or NFTs.






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Instagram posts that offer collectibles may come with an alert label named “Collectible” to put users on the lookout

Instagram is looking into non-fungible tokens. On Saturday, the CEO of Instagram, Adam Mosseri commented on the potential of NFTs and how it could make it a more accessible platform for more people.

In a recent Instagram Q&A, Mosseri said that he and the team are exploring new forms of digital tokens (NFTs) and how they can make them more accessible to the Instagram audience.

“I like to play the game because it’s fun and can give creators something to aspire to, maybe even learn a thing or two if they’re lucky,” added Mosseri.

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Earlier this year, reports about the Instagram-owned photo-sharing app working on non-fungible tokens had circulated. Insta developer Alessandro Paluzzi had shared details about the possibility of their platform actually utilizing these tokens within their own application in July.

Instagram might put an icon or label on posts that are available to purchase as the company did not confirm these details.

New features

Instagram launched a host of new features this week, including the ability to save replays and reels, comments replies and profile embeds.

The IG Replay feature will let you show your friends what it was like to do various things in 2021, for example, go shopping in a virtual mall.

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Want to respond to a comment on your blog or create a new video? Reels allows you to add commentary, filters, and text to your favorite video.

It is launching a new feature that allows users to embed a screenshot of their Insta profile on any website or blog. This mini-profile will include all posts, Stories, mentions & followers, and the stories and pictures will go live as soon as it’s accessed on the website.

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