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Coinbase and Mastercard join hands to ease NFT purchase






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Coinbase’s mission is to allow more people to join the creator economy and profit from their work. Coinbase is currently using NFTs as a way of focusing on this goal. In order for an NFT to be successful, the NFT purchase experience must be seamless and simple.

Coinbase wants to create a better user experience for crypto community members and allow them to easily connect with one another. Coinbase want to be the type of company that creates trust in new, unknown technologies. Coinbase initiated a similar step with Bitcoin in past.

Soon, Mastercard will classify non-fiat cryptocurrencies as a “digital good”, which will allow a broader group of consumers to buy them. Hopefully, soon coinbase will be able to “unlock” a new way to pay using your Mastercard cards!

Coinbase recently announced it will start accepting designs for NFTs before adding them to the marketplace. Mastercard has partnered with Coinbase to offer a better customer experience and will plan on working to bring this opportunity to other platforms through Mastercard’s global scale.

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Coinbase applaud Mastercard for prioritizing the platform that consumers need in order to enjoy an NFT experience. There’s still a lot more work to be done, but this is a solid step in the right direction, and it’s just the beginning of what should come next.

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