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Apple may not join the Metaverse Hype






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Apple doesn’t seem interested in the most trending concept at the moment. Even if you have an idea of ​​the metaverse, you’re probably not alone. As Bloomberg expert Mark Gurman has said, Apple’s next AR headgear will concentrate more on shorter sessions rather than long periods of use. If their plans are to leave the real world behind for a digital Oasis then they will have to improve their strategy.

In his Power On newsletter, Gurman stated, “Here’s one term I’d be startled to hear on stage when Apple debuts their headset: metaverse.” “I’ve been told that the idea of an entirely virtual world where people may escape to — like Meta Platforms/vision Facebook’s of the future — is off-limits from Apple.”

It looks like Apple CEO Tim Cook has no intention of following Facebook and preferring self-serving missives: he is staying focused on how Apple can make the world a better place, and not on some hazy target of a future where the rise of virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed-reality technologies, the physical and digital worlds are merging.

Apple AR/VR Headset

Apple is reportedly releasing an AR/VR headset that can also play video games. This device is supposed to allow users to return to the “real” world after they play a game or watch a movie. The company recently confirmed plans to enter the VR/AR headset market and much of the information is currently unknown. This latest product launch is not being accompanied by a “metaverse” discussion for good news, so iPhone users can all exhale.

The social network giant faces more rejection on both a personal and professional level. This potential move is yet another sign that the popular device maker won’t continue to use Apple services going forward. Facebook was infuriated when Instagram began giving its users the option to opt out of ad monitoring. Facebook used a splash-screen on both platforms to try and reason with people and remind them that if they can’t make money from advertising, their services might not be provided for. Facebook and other digital giants lost an estimated $10 billion in ad revenue after Apple applied the kill switch. Users ignored their request, this ate into the bottom line of social media & tech giants. Apple recently reversed its decision, making it possible to collect device data again.

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At the same time, Apple is developing its own set of augmented reality spectacles. These glasses would hypothetically be worn just as often as your reading glasses, the company is not totally opposed to having you strap a thing on your head all day. However, they would like it if you could try the experiences without getting your gear wet. Apple’s focus is the reality-bending AR headset it announced last month. The headset allows users to record memories while avoiding an invasive experience. While it may be uncertain how the battle between Apple & Meta will end, one thing that is certain is that both Apple’s glasses and Meta’s fantasy world are still a ways off.

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