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Airbnb may start accepting cryptocurrency






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Based on recent reports, CEO Brian Chesky has revealed that the top requested feature for Airbnb by their users in 2022 is to be able to pay for bookings using cryptocurrencies.

CEOs of big accounting firms like EY and PwC already sitting on boards of some crypto-related companies, and the trend is set to take on a life of its own. Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky hinted that the company may soon accept payments in cryptocurrency, something many customers have been asking for more of in 2022

Chesky tweeted: “If Airbnb could launch anything in 2022, what would it be?” He also revealed that he received 4,000 suggestions, noting that the most popular one is for his company to accept crypto payments, adding that, “crypto payments is inclusive of a variety of token ideas.”

In order to compete, owners should ask themselves what they can do to attract more guests. For example, owners may want to update their cleaning fees, offer lower rates for longer stays, or create a detailed pricing display with a guest loyalty program. The CEO made it clear that Airbnb is exploring other business opportunities, saying “We are also looking into this one as well.”

Airbnb  an online marketplace for lodging, primarily homestays for vacation rentals, and tourism activities

Airbnb has more than 5.6 million listings worldwide at the moment. As of 2007, Airbnb has served over 1 billion customers and more than 4 million hosts now list their properties on this platform. It is important to know that Airbnb currently accepts Google Pay, MasterCard, Visa & Apple Pay.

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Given that they’re looking into booking business through a blockchain-based system, it’s not far-fetched to think that Airbnb might be interested in accepting cryptocurrency for payments.

The executive further added: “The key is when regular people understand how the new technology improved their lives, beyond the initial excitement. I’m really excited about certain applications that regular people could use to live a better daily life.”

Recently, the US movie hall chain AMC Theatres announced that they will be accepting cryptocurrency Shiba Inu (SHIB) for online ticket purchases.

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