Paris Hilton launches “Paris world” in Metaverse on Roblox
According to Reuters,” Paris Hilton enters the Metaverse space with Roblox.”
Known as “Paris World” Paris Hilton created an island in the digital virtual world.
“Paris World” is the latest venture launched by her new media company, 11:11 Media.”~ Reuters
Eariler this year Paris Hilton has also sold hree unique pieces of digital art as NFTs in collbaoration with Blake Kathryn.
Paris Hilton's “Paris World” is comprised of an digital replica of her Beverly Hills home.
“Paris world” also include a dog mansion. It also includes, the neon carnival wedding celebration hosted by Paris Hilton and her husband eariler this year at the Santa Monica pier.
“Not everybody gets to experience that, so that’s what we’ve been working together on over the past year -- giving them all my inspirations of what I want in that world.” said Hilton