Elamachain ELAMA White Paper

Elamachain ELAMA White Paper
Elamachain (ELAMA) White Paper

Hello and welcome to this blog post about Elamachain ELAMA White Paper. I am very excited to know that you are interested in this amazing technology, you will be going to amazed by the incredible potential of the blockchain.

There is a lot to learn about this futuristic tech, lets get started to dive into the Elamachain ELAMA white paper and start to leverage it to build a more secure and trusted ecosystem for Industry 4.0 applications.

The aim of this blog post is to help you quickly understand about the philosophy behind the Elamachain (ELAMA).

I can ensue you that, you will be able to understand every bits and pieces related to Elamachain (ELAMA) after going through the Elamachain ELAMA white paper.

Without wasting any further time lets get started to dive right in and lets understand white paper first.

What is white paper?

A white paper is an informational, influential, well-structured document, usually published by an organization, to provide in-depth information about a specific solution.

A white paper is used to provide a good insight into the challenges for a specific problem and a proposed solution for the same.

Elamachain ELAMA White Paper

Elamachain ELAMA white paper will be going to provide you, all the information that is needed to get started with Elamachain (ELAMA), including the inspiration for creating, the problem it is trying to solve and the solution proposed by Elamachain (ELAMA).


“ Artificial Intelligence(AI) was a concept first introduced by Prof. John McCarthy at the Dartmouth Seminar in 1956. For the past 60 years, AI has geometrically extended its influence and become a core technology of 4th industrial revolution.

Now we can easily find AI technology and big-data based informational services aiding personal life at every corner of our daily lives. While it is serving as an essential part of technology industry, public attention on AI and its related technology has never been more vigorous.

Hence, many industries do not hesitate any more when investing in AI, the field which is highly praised for wider potential applications than any other. McKinsey’s most recent report says the world’s top 2 search engine companies Alphabet(a parent company of Goolge) from US and Baidu from China had respectively spent 30 billion and 20 billion dollars in 2017 alone.

Moreover, the New Yorker stated in its article on May 2018 that the Chinese government is aggressively working on developing AI technology as the utmost factor to take initiative in future technological innovation.

A glance at China’s investment in AI technology leaves us with astonishment. AI start-ups of China in 2017 received almost half of total fund invested to AI related start-ups worldwide. For the field of deep-learning technology, China has applied 6 times more patents than the United States.

Likewise, lots of governments and larger corporations of the world have started to pour their resources in developing AI technology. As the quantity of big data is exploding and IoT so rapidly spreading, visual and voice recognition have improved drastically in a short period of time.

Such change in the environment is accelerating the AI market day by day. AI technology is building its influence over every field of industry from autonomous vehicles, drones, smart-homes, medicine, and even to asset management.”

White Paper Link: Elamachain ELAMA White Paper

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