LUNA jumped 13277.94% giving investors a huge returns on their investment in 2021.
LUNA ranks at 9 position currently as per the market value, with a current price of $87.42
SAND jumped 13592.70% giving investors a huge returns on their investment in 2021.
SAND ranks at 38 position currently as per the market value, with a current price of $5.07
MATIC jumped 14082.44% giving investors a huge returns on their investment in 2021.
MATIC ranks at 13 position currently as per the market value, with a current price of $2.53.
AXS jumped 17060.27% giving investors a huge returns on their investment in 2021.
AXS ranks at 28 position currently as per the market value, with a current price of $101.70.
GALA jumped 46365.37% giving investors a huge returns on their investment in 2021.
Gala ranks at 47 position currently as per the market value, with a current price of $0.4775.
Disclaimer: Cryptogurukul has no relationship to these projects, and there is no endorsement or investment advise. Please seek professional advice before taking financial risks.