GuardianLink launched World's First NFT Cricket Game is Here

GuardianLink recently announced that they will launch a play-to-earn non-fungible token-based cricket game with

“Following this, the cricket enthusiast and NFT collectors can start getting on the waitlist." ~ GuardianLink

“Watching cricket in India has always been a treat for every buff, especially nowadays, with the new formats.” ~ Ramkumar Subramaniam

“We consider this the best time to announce the launch of India’s pioneering NFT cricket game, which will serve as a unique product for every cricket enthusiast." ~ Ramkumar Subramaniam

The company also aims to create India’s first metaverse for cricket. “Build the biggest cricket metaverse together in web3 world, creating NFT revolution.” ~ GuardianLink

Founded in 2016, GuardianLink is a Blockchain research & development company based in Chennai, India.

As per Guardianlink website, they have powered more than 45 NFT exchanges till date and have created $3 billion market capitalization using their platform.

Disclaimer: Cryptogurukul has no relationship to these projects, and there is no endorsement or investment advise. Please seek professional advice before taking financial risks.